SusCrop- ERA-NET

Cofund on Sustainable
Crop Production



Consortium meeting – May 9-10, 2023

Source: Miluska Krolkiewicz, PtJ
Source: Miluska Krolkiewicz, PtJ

On May 9 and 10, the last physical SusCrop Consortium Meeting was held with 39 representatives (29 in person, 10 remote) in the Berlin Office of Project Management Jülich in Berlin (hybrid event). On the first day, the work package (WP) leads presented a current update on all WPs of the ERA-NET Cofund Action including achievements and to-do’s. In the evening, the first day of the meeting was concluded by a common dinner of all attendees.

On the second day, the coordinating office presented the list of achieved milestones and deliverables and provided the list of remaining items for the final reporting of SusCrop. Furthermore, the consortium discussed the list of additional activities within SusCrop and commonly assigned the individual, responsible partners to the tasks and activities. At the end of the consortium meeting, the coordinator of the Green ERA Hub was invited to introduce the main objectives, ambitions and planned activities of this Coordination and Support Action (CSA).

The consortium meeting ended at noon on May 10, and was followed in the afternoon by the WP8 strategic expert workshop to elaborate future focus areas for crop production and improvement in the European Research Area (ERA).