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Cofund on Sustainable
Crop Production



Flashnews - “Applying and Combining Disturbance and Competition for an agro-ecological management of creeping perennial weeds (AC/DC-weeds)”

Source: ACDC partners
Source: ACDC partners

The AC/DC-weeds project develops agro-ecological technologies to manage creeping perennial weeds on arable land. Focusing on three species, important in North and Central Europe, they investigate new technics and optimise crop husbandry. Creeping perennials occur patchy, hence the researchers work on mapping, identifying and delineating them in fields with UAVs.

Existing knowledge and new results feed qualitative modelling, which supports agro-ecological management decisions about creeping perennials. they further visualise the spatial-temporal growth and distribution and the effect of agro-ecological management in a graphic web tool. Environmental and economic effects of agro-ecological management of creeping perennials are assessed based on data collected in field experiments and existing data collections.